Dekeba Battee-Aston




Turn concepts into creations with Dekeba Battee-Aston, where multi-channelled skill meets imagination. As a Post-Production Professional, he is more than a cut and slash Editor. Mixing VFX, Animation, Colour Grading, and more, he unleashes your creative potential through passion and creativity. Immerse yourself in a world of seamless storytelling and artistry as Dekeba’s editing prowess elevates every frame, using motion graphics to illustrate words, breathe life into each shot through colour grading, let reality and imagination collide with a variety of VFX tools, and evolve static art into characters with emotions and personalities. Your vision is limitless at the desk of this champion for creation, so get ready for an explosion of creativity and storytelling brilliance.

With a diverse range of accomplishments, Dekeba Battee-Aston has left an indelible mark across various industries. From the epic Telstra Campaigns to the action-packed blockbusters and heart-string pulling indies, his talents have enthralled audiences. He’s breathed life into big name consumer brands’ social and broadcasted campaigns, while also crafting captivating content for content creators. Dekeba’s skills have shone through in his work with the ABC, WIN and other national and regional broadcasters, while also lending his creative touch to start-up investor pleas, corporate internal videos, and thought-provoking short films and more.


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